What is Reckless Driving in Manassas?
A driver can be charged with reckless driving in Manassas for driving a motor vehicle recklessly or at a speed or in a manner that endangers the life, limb, or property of another person.
Manassas Reckless Driving Charges
There are a number of reckless driving charges in Manassas, including:

Drivers Are Frequently Charged with Reckless Driving in Manassas After A Car Accident
- General Reckless Driving (Va. Code §46.2-852)
- Reckless Driving by Speed (Va. Code §46.2-862)
- Aggressive Driving (Va. Code §46.2-868.1)
- Racing (Va. Code §46.2-865)
- Driving Too Fast for Highway/Traffic Conditions (Va. Code §46.2-861)
- Failing to Maintain Proper Control/Faulty Brakes (Va. Code §46.2-853)
- Failure to Yield Right-of-Way when Entering Highway (Va. Code §46.2-863)
- Reckless Driving on Parking Lot (Va. Code §46.2-864)
- Failure to Give Proper Signal (Va. Code §46.2-860)
- Passing a Stopped School Bus (Va. Code §46.1-859)
- Passing at a Railroad Crossing (Va. Code §46.2-858)
- Driving with Overloaded Car/Obstructed View (Va. Code §46.2-855)
- Driving Two Abreast in a Single Lane (Va. Code §46.2-857)
- Passing Two Vehicles Abreast (Va. Code §46.2-856)
- Passing On or at the Crest of a Grade or Curve (Va. Code §46.2-854)
- Passing or Overtaking an Emergency Vehicle (Va. Code §46.2-829)
- Failure to Yield to Stationary Emergency Vehicle (Va. Code §46.2-921.1)
Proof of Manassas Reckless Driving Charge
Reckless driving in Manassas is frequently charged after a car accident. The police officer who responds to the scene determines who was at fault and generally charges that person with reckless driving. However, an accident does not itself prove reckless driving in Manassas. The Commonwealth still must prove that the driver’s conduct endangered the life, limb or property of another.
Manassas Reckless Driving Penalties
A Manassas reckless driving charge is a Class 1 misdemeanor. It is punished with up to 12 months in jail, a fine up to $2500, court costs, driver’s license suspension, DMV demerit points, and possible enrollment in the Virginia ASAP program. If the offender was texting while driving, he will pay a mandatory minimum fine of $250 (Va. Code §46.2-818.2). For more information on texting while driving in Virginia under Va. Code §46.2-818.2, click here.
There could be many additional consequences to a reckless driving conviction in Manassas, including insurance premium increases, loss of educational and employment opportunities, potential loss of security clearances, and possible immigration consequences for anyone who is not a United States citizen.
It is important to contact a Manassas reckless driving lawyer as soon as possible to review options for, consequences of, and possible defenses to a Manassas reckless driving charge. If a conviction cannot be avoided, a Manassas reckless driving lawyer can help to obtain the best outcome possible.
Difference Between Reckless Driving and Traffic Infractions in Manassas
The difference between traffic infractions and reckless driving charges is the degree of danger caused by the driver’s conduct.

Contact Manassas Reckless Driving Lawyer Jean Humbrecht to Handle Your Case Today
A driver can pre-pay a fine for a traffic infraction, but must come to court if charged with reckless driving. Failure to appear in court could result in another criminal charge. Additionally, since reckless driving is a crime, it can be punished with jail time (as opposed to traffic infractions which are punished with fines only).
Reckless driving in Manassas has serious consequences and should not be taken lightly. It would be wise to consult with a Manassas reckless driving lawyer before going to court.
Felony Reckless Driving
Reckless driving in Manassas can sometimes be a felony. If the driver’s license was suspended or revoked for a moving violation and the driver caused the death of another person as a result of his reckless driving, he will be charged with a Class 6 felony (Va. Code §46.2-868(B)). Felony reckless driving is punished with up to 5 years in prison, a fine up to $2500, DMV demerit points, and driver’s license revocation for 1 year. For more information on felony reckless driving charges in Virginia, click here.
Contact Manassas Reckless Driving Lawyer Jean Humbrecht Today
If you are facing a reckless driving charge in Manassas, contact Manassas reckless driving lawyer Jean Humbrecht today to handle your case and discuss any possible defenses you may have. A Manassas reckless driving lawyer can help obtain the best possible result based on your particular circumstances.