Assault in Virginia
Assault in Virginia is creating apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact. In other words, it is threatening to commit a battery. Words alone are insufficient to constitute an assault-the offender must commit an overt act indicating an intention to commit an imminent battery. Assault in Virginia is sometimes referred to as simple assault.
Click here for more information on simple assault in Virginia.

Contact Virginia Assault Attorney Jean Humbrecht Today
Difference Between Assault and Battery in Virginia
Assault and battery in Virginia are not the same. Assault does not need to result in a battery (a harmful or offensive contact). A battery in Virginia is usually charged as assault and battery (Va. Code §18.2-57).
Click here for more information on the difference between assault and battery in Virginia.
Penalty for Assault in Virginia
Virginia assault charges are generally Class 1 misdemeanors, punished with up to 12 months in jail and a fine up to $2,500.
Contact Virginia Assault Attorney Jean Humbrecht Today
If you have been charged with committing a Virginia assault, contact Virginia assault attorney Jean Humbrecht today to handle your case and help to obtain the best possible outcome for your particular situation.