(703) 479-0015
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Practice Areas
Traffic Offenses
Traffic Infractions
Reckless Driving
Hit and Run
Eluding Police
Unlicensed Driving
Drug Offenses
Marijuana Charges
Possession with Intent to Distribute Marijuana
Possession of Marijuana on School or Other Public Property With Intent to Distribute
Distribution of Marijuana
Distribution of Marijuana on School and Other Public Property
Distribution of Marijuana to Person Under 18
Causing Person Under 18 to Distribute Marijuana
Manufacturing Marijuana
Manufacturing Marijuana on School and Other Public Property
Third Offense Marijuana Distribution, Manufacturing, Possession with Intent to Distribute or Manufacture
Other Marijuana Charges
Controlled Substances
Possession of Controlled Substance
Possession with Intent to Distribute A Controlled Substance
Distributing A Controlled Substance
Manufacturing Controlled Substance
Distributing, Manufacturing, Possessing with Intent to Distribute Drugs on School and Other Public Property
Other Controlled Substance Charges
Imitation Controlled Substances
Controlled and Drug Paraphernalia
Assisting Person in Unlawfully Procuring Prescription
Unlawfully Prescribing or Administering Drugs
Attempting to Commit Drug Offense
Conspiracy to Commit Drug Offense
Operating a Common Nuisance
Maintaining Fortified Drug House
Violent Crimes
Assault and Battery
Domestic Assault
Assault Based on Race, Religion, Color, National Origin
Malicious Wounding and Bodily Injury
Malicious Wounding
Aggravated Malicious Wounding
Malicious Bodily Injury of Law Enforcement Officer
Malicious Bodily Injury
Unlawful Wounding and Bodily Injury
Unlawful Wounding
Unlawful Bodily Injury
Unlawful Bodily Injury of Law-Enforcement Officer
First Degree Murder
Second Degree Murder
Felony Murder
Voluntary Manslaughter
Involuntary Manslaughter
Aggravated Involuntary Manslaughter
Sex Crimes
Sexual Battery
Aggravated Abduction
Theft Offenses
Petty Larceny
Grand Larceny
Grand Larceny From the Person
Grand Larceny Not from the Person
Altering Price Tags
Transferring Goods
Assisting Shoplifting
Firearm Theft
Car Theft
Unauthorized Use
Receiving Stolen Property
Larceny with Intent to Sell
Selling Stolen Property
Check Offenses
Credit Card Offenses
Credit Card Theft
Credit Card Fraud
Credit Card Forgery
Identity Theft
Burglary and Breaking and Entering
Breaking and Entering
Intent to Commit Murder, Robbery, Rape, Arson
Intent to Commit Larceny, Assault and Battery, Other Felony
Intent to Commit Misdemeanor
Bank Burglary
Weapon Offenses
Deadly Weapon
Carrying Concealed Weapon Permit
Carrying Weapons Offenses
Carrying Concealed Weapons
Crimes Involving Carrying a Concealed Handgun and Alcohol
Carrying a Dangerous Weapon to a Place of Religious Worship
Carrying Weapon Into Courthouse
Carrying Weapon in Airport Terminal
Carrying Firearm or Explosive Material in or Near Capitol Square
Carrying a Firearm or Explosive Material in an Office of Commonwealth Employees
Carrying Firearm or Explosive Material into a Building Owned or Leased by the Commonwealth or an Agency of the Commonwealth
Firearm Offenses
Carrying Firearms Offenses
Carrying a Firearm to Place of Religious Worship
Carrying Firearm Into Courthouse
Carrying Firearm in or Near Capitol Square
Carrying Firearm or Explosive Material into a Building Owned or Leased by the Commonwealth or an Agency of the Commonwealth
Carrying a Firearm or Explosive Material in an Office of Commonwealth Employees
Carrying Firearm in Airport Terminal
Carrying Loaded Firearms in Public Areas
Shooting and Discharging Offenses
Discharging Firearms in Public Places in Virginia
Discharging a Firearm in a Street or Place of Public Business or Public Gathering
Discharging a Firearm on or Near School Grounds
Shooting At or From a Vehicle in Virginia
Shooting From Vehicle
Shooting from Vehicles
Shooting At Vehicle
Maliciously Shooting at a Vehicle in Virginia
Unlawfully Shooting at a Vehicle in Virginia
Shooting at Emergency Vehicles
Shooting in or Across Road or in Street
Setting Spring Gun or Other Deadly Weapon
Possessing Firearm Offenses
Possession of Firearm While Committing Certain Drug Offenses
Persons Prohibited From Possessing Firearms in Virginia
Possession of Firearm by Felon
Crimes Involving Children and Firearms
Allowing Child Access to Firearm
Recklessly Leaving Loaded Firearm Endangering Child
Allowing Child Under 12 to Use Firearm without Supervision
Assault by Firearm
Brandishing a Firearm
Brandishing a Firearm on or Near School Grounds in Virginia
Reckless Handling of Firearms
Reckless Handling of a Firearm
Reckless Handling of a Firearm While Hunting
Use of Firearm in Commission of Felony
Receipt of Stolen Firearm
Reporting Lost and Stolen Firearms
Hunting and Firearms
Alcohol Offenses
Disorderly Conduct
Obstructing Justice
Obstruction of Justice
Resisting Arrest
Filing a False Police Report
Riots, Unlawful Assembly, Mob Crimes
Carrying Firearm While Rioting
Malicious Wounding by Mob
Unlawful Paramilitary Activity
Gangs and Gang Activity
Protective Orders
What Is A Capias In Virginia?
January 1, 2019 by
Jean Humbrecht
Reasons to Revoke Bail in Virginia
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