Obtaining Signature by False Pretenses
For more information on Obtaining Money or Property by False Pretenses in Virginia, click here.
Proof of Obtaining Signature by False Pretenses in Virginia
To prove a charge of Obtaining Signature by False Pretenses in Virginia under Va. Code §18.2-178 , the Commonwealth must prove that the offender made a false representation of past or existing fact, with the intent to defraud, caused the person to part with his property or money by providing his signature to a document.
Punishment for Obtaining Signature by False Pretenses in Virginia
Obtaining a signature by false pretenses in Virginia under Va. Code §18.2-178 is a Class 4 felony, punished with 2-10 years in prison and a fine up to $100,000.
Multiple Convictions for Obtaining Signature by False Pretenses in Virginia
A Virginia charge of Obtaining Signature by False Pretenses (Va. Code §18.2-178) is a form of larceny in Virginia. Va. Code §18.2-104 provides enhanced penalties for multiple convictions of any offenses “deemed” larceny in Virginia. Since Obtaining a Signature by False Pretenses under Va. Code §18.2-178 is “deemed” larceny, an offender can be convicted of a second or third offense under Va. Code §18.2-104 if he has any combination of prior false pretenses convictions or convictions for any other offenses “deemed larceny” in Virginia.
For more information on offenses that are “deemed larceny” in Virginia, click here.
Obtaining Signature By False Pretenses in Virginia: The Statute
§18.2-178. Obtaining money or signature, etc., by false pretense.